Green Waste

Typically used for compost and soil improvement, our green waste is bulked up, shredded, and processed into a more sustainable type of compost.

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Product Description

  • Contains a variety of plant material from domestic and commercial waste sources.
  • Our compost is screened via a twin trommel screening system
  • The pH range of the product is 7.0 to 8.5
  • Water content is in the range of 40 to 60% (green weight basis), subject to temperature and weather conditions
  • The Bulk Density ranges from 400 to 600Kg/m3
  • All of our compost complies with PAS100 standards in terms of human pathogens, potentially toxic elements and physical contaminants.
  • Typical compost consistency and texture, black and brown in colour.


Green Waste Disposal - North West Recycling

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